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11 Motivational PCOS Quotes You Need to Hear Today

A compilation of PCOS quotes to boost your motivation.

At times, living with PCOS is incredibly frustrating and isolating.

While PCOS affects up to 20% of people of reproductive age across the world, dealing with the illness frequently feels like you’re stumbling along a poorly lit and lonely path. Frankly, finding people who understand –  or who’ve even heard of – PCOS is surprisingly rare, given its prevalence.

Speaking with someone who relates to your symptoms? Nearly impossible. 

Beyond that, you feel like your body's turning on you: you're completely helpless against PCOS's most debilitating effects.

But you’re not alone. None of us are.

These PCOS quotes are a powerful reminder that so many people worldwide are grappling with the real-life implications of PCOS. Not only that, but some of these messages show it’s possible to lead a happy life despite PCOS – whatever that happiness looks like for you. 

Others, still, are excellent PCOS awareness quotes. And it’s these quotes that articulate the battle so many of us face when dealing with a hormone disorder that’s relatively common yet widely misunderstood.

Below, I’ve compiled a list of relatable, inspiring PCOS quotes you can glance at whenever you need motivation and encouragement.

1. “My skin has made me sad many nights but I do not give up on myself. I know this is not me and my body has been looking for help. 

“I do not have a medical degree but I did the research and took what I learned to a doctor and that led them to a proper diagnosis. I’m not saying trust web md for everything haha but what I am saying is no one can help us like we can help ourselves.” – Keke Palmer, actress 

Source:  Instagram

2. “We all have reasons to not eat healthy, to not exercise, but ultimately I was choosing to not make my health one of my priorities for years. I stayed in the victim mentality that I couldn't lose weight because of PCOS and hypothyroidism. But that was a lie. I could and I did once I stopped making excuses, changed my diet, started exercising and made my health a priority.” – Megan Birke, registered nurse 

Source: Women’s Health 

3. ““I had no idea what was going on and I didn’t have any way of solving it...I was diagnosed with PCOS... finally I knew why this was happening to me.”

– Sasha Pieterse, actress

Source: People.com

4. "...half the battle is knowing that you have it." Thalia LeBlanc, content creator

Source: Yahoo Life

5. “On my hardest days with PCOS, I would remind myself of how far I’ve come already in my healing journey, and how much work I’ve put into my health. I sit to listen to what my body wants on those hard days, because each time your body reacts, it is trying to tell you something. Women need to understand that we don’t always have to hustle to be the best, we can take a break and tackle it the next day!” – Deena Marzuki, My PCOS president 

Source: PrestigeOnline.com

6. “I dont hate the fact that I have PCOS. I tell myself, I am trying, I am surviving, I am still learning and I am still adapting. Life is too short to waste time wallowing in the past and “what if’s”. I embrace the opportunities given to me.” –  Stephanie Yang, My PCOS advisor 

Source: PrestigeOnline.com

7. “PCOS is a complex and multi-factorial syndrome. As such, I doubt there ever will be a single cure. However, this does not mean that you cannot reverse it entirely and not have PCOS anymore. Think of it like putting PCOS into remission, which is as good as a cure to me. We need to focus on reversing PCOS. To do this, we need to understand all of the factors that contribute to the hormonal metabolic storm which is going on inside our bodies. The current widely held belief that there is no cure for PCOS leaves women believing that they are the victim of a condition that they have no control over.” –  Clare Goodwin, PCOS Nutritionist founder

Source: PCOS Nutritionist 

8. “No matter how big or small your pain is, it matters. Give it attention and give it care, because even if it is always there, it should not get in the way of the life you want to live.” – Jennifer Nelson, writer and artist

Source: PCOS Awareness Association 

9. “Most PCOS patients start experiencing symptoms around the onset of puberty, but many are not diagnosed until they have difficulty getting pregnant or worse, until after they have developed other metabolic complications from having PCOS. These glaring gaps in care for millions of people who are impacted by PCOS is the reason that we can no longer stay silent. We have to speak up and advocate for ourselves as patients and providers who care for patients with PCOS. It is time for us all to ask for help.” – Sasha Ottey,  founder of PCOS Challenge: The National Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association

Source: RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association

10.“The best thing you can do is take control of your body and your choices. Don’t give up.” - Rebecca,

Source: Natural Fertility Info

11. “PCOS is not an absolute barrier to conceiving naturally. According to a 2009 study, the features indicating the presence of PCOS (the polycystic ovary part) actually diminished throughout the lifespan of participants…The rate of miscarriage among those with PCOS was also not higher than those without it. The bottom line? Everyone is different.” – Dr. Emma Gray, The British CBT & Counseling Service

Source: Modern Fertility 

Use these PCOS quotes for motivation and inspiration

No one PCOS experience is the same.

Yet, with these PCOS quotes, we begin to see our common struggles. More importantly, we see the successes we can share. 

Read these words when you’re in despair, and always remember: you’re not alone and you can heal.

Featured image credit: Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst