
Homeopathic remedies for PCOS: do they actually work?

If you're looking into homeopathic remedies for PCOS, research is mixed. We explore the pros and cons of this popular PCOS treatment.

If you're new to researching PCOS treatments, the information out there about homeopathy is wildly conflicting.

On the one hand, a number of studies suggest homeopathic treatments can help us conquer our most problematic PCOS symptoms. We're talking about getting rid of irregular periods, acne, unwanted body hair, and more.

On the other, some believe homeopathic remedies only work because of the placebo effect. In other words, we get better because we believe we're getting better.

So, are homeopathic remedies for PCOS effective?

During my own internet search, I came across multiple studies that appear to make a strong case for homeopathic remedies. I found even more blog posts listing out the best homeopathic remedies for PCOS. Then, there were the product results -- ads selling these remedies. And, honestly, it's so tempting to buy what a lot of these vendors are selling.

We just want to heal, right?

But, as you'll see, it's not as straightforward as selecting a remedy based on your symptoms and ordering it online. PCOS is a complex condition, and we're all different.

While this (or any) single blog post shouldn’t stand in for actual medical advice, you’ll learn the pros and cons of homeopathic remedies for PCOS, plus the ones commonly used in PCOS treatment.

Is homeopathy treatment good for PCOS?

At first, it seems like the benefits of homeopathic remedies for PCOS are widely studied and well-proven.

Here are a few examples of the current research.

One research study published in the Advancements in Homeopathic Research found homeopathic remedies improved most patients' PCOS symptoms . These particular improvements included a reduction in the “number and size of cysts”.

Another study in the Homeopathy journal, involving seven women, showed similar results. For this study, the women followed customised homeopathic treatment plans. Researchers monitored their progress using ultrasounds. And their findings made a strong case for homeopathic remedies for PCOS:

“The irregular menstrual cycles and other associated symptoms became normal, along with a resolution of cysts in ovaries as evidenced by ultrasonography. All cases improved within 4 to 12 months of treatment.” 

Then, in 2021, the International Journal of High Dilution Research reviewed the research on homeopathic remedies for PCOS. They pored over 22 studies into homeopathic treatment for PCOS. And, for the most part, their evaluation supports the view that homeopathic is an effective PCOS treatment.

“All  the  studies  reported  positive  outcomes  in  symptomatic  improvement  like  irregular  menses, hormonal  assay,  infertility,   acne,  and   hirsutism,   reflecting   the   effectiveness   of  homoeopathic intervention in treating PCOS.”

However, at the same time, these researchers said more randomised controlled trials were necessary to “establish the evidence-based efficacy” for homeopathic remedies for PCOS.

Here’s the caveat: while researching this piece I found several arguments against homeopathy, especially for serious diseases like cancer and HIV. Detractors say there’s insufficient evidence to back up claims that homeopathy actually works. These remedies are simply sugar pills disguised as medical treatments, according to Natalie Grams, a former homeopathic practitioner.

What about when they seem to work? That’s all down to the placebo effect I mentioned earlier, critics say.

Now, I know it must seem like I’m playing both sides here. That’s because I don’t really have a side. Rather,  I’m presenting the information to you as I learn it myself.

Personally, pharmaceutical treatments didn’t work for me. Birth control pills turn me into an emotional wreck. Even worse, as soon as I stop taking them, my acne returns and my periods disappear. What did help my PCOS symptoms was a more balanced approach. An approach that included dietary and lifestyle changes. That’s all to say, even if homeopathy can improve PCOS symptoms, it’s likely only part of a broader treatment plan. 

And I wouldn't feel comfortable buying any products online, without getting prior medical advice.

4 popular homeopathic remedies for PCOS

With that said, let's take a look at the specific homeopathic remedies used to improve menstrual irregularities, infertility, acne, and other PCOS challenges. 

1. Sepia

Sepia comes from a cuttlefish’s ink sac, and it has long been used to manage irregular periods and premenstrual syndrome, writes Healthline.

One International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences study profiles the case of a woman with PCOS who was struggling to conceive. After she was treated with Sepia for two years, her periods become regular, her testosterone levels decreased, her insulin sensitivity improved, and she was able to conceive.

2. Pulsatilla

Pulsatilla is a plant and its dried leaves are used in homeopathic remedies.

One Homeopathic Links study involving a 21-year old woman with PCOS found the woman was able to conceive after taking Pulsatilla. 

As compelling as that all sounds, WebMD notes

“Pulsatilla is used for painful conditions of the male or female reproductive system, skin conditions, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support its use.”

3. Calcarea carbonica

Calcarea carbonica, also called Calc carb, is made from shells and is an established homeopathic remedy for PCOS.

One study showed Calc carb led to an improvement in acne and the removal of ovarian cysts.

4. Natrum Muriaticum

Natrum Muriaticum is a popular homeopathic remedy for PCOS. But we mainly know it by its more common name, salt.

According to the European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Natrum is a remedy for irregular periods and infertility. 

Finding the best homeopathic treatment for PCOS

It's true: several studies show homeopathy treatment can ease PCOS symptoms.

But it's important to view any information you find online about homeopathic remedies for PCOS only as an introduction to the subject. 

Always remember no case of PCOS is the same. Virtually every treatment you read about online will need to tweaked and tailored to your unique needs.

Here's where'll you'll have to meet with a trained medical practitioner to speak about treatment options.  Of course, you'll want to show up for this conversation with a good understanding of what's on offer.

It's your health, and you don't need to be a passive patient. You can play an active role in your own healing process.

Featured image: Photo by Rasa Kasparaviciene on Unsplash